Maintenance work Campusdruck at 10.06.2022


Campusdruck Offline

On 10.06.2022 from 08:30 AM start important maintenance work on the Campusdruck system

Important maintenance work is required on the Campusdruck system. Therefore, starting next Friday the 10.06.2022 around 08:30 AM the Campusdruck servers will stop.

It is anticipated that this work will be completed on Monday the 13.06.2022 approximately 08:00 AM.

During the entire period, the copiers, recharging machines and the recharging service at the Copycenter and at the Druckzentrum cannot be used.

Campusdruck Offline

On 10.06.2022 from 08:30 AM start important maintenance work on the Campusdruck system

Important maintenance work is required on the Campusdruck system. Therefore, starting next Friday the 10.06.2022 around 08:30 AM the Campusdruck servers will stop.

It is anticipated that this work will be completed on Monday the 13.06.2022 approximately 08:00 AM.

During the entire period, the copiers, recharging machines and the recharging service at the Copycenter and at the Druckzentrum cannot be used.